A local church was hosting an Easter Egg Hunt. We had heard about it too late last year, so we decided to head over this year. The field was marked off in 3 sections for different age groups. Under Preschool, Preschoolers and Older kids. We had a hard time getting out of the house on time and really should have planned better, but we finally made it there, ran across the field while watch a helicopter drop 10,000 easter eggs onto the field.
We rushed across to our age group just in time to turn around and go back to where we were. We could have stayed where we were, but didn't want to get yelled at by the angry parents who had been waiting there for over 45 minutes to be "first in line". Seriously folks? It's just easter eggs. But apparently, it is taken very seriously. Anyway, the kids were so excited about the helicopter.
When they called out our age group to start, it was insanity! Someone dropped their smartphone of sorts and instead of reaching down to get it (and possibly get trampled), they looked down, looked back up, grabbed their child in their arms and started running. Mayhem, I tell you.
We got quite a few eggs and vowed never to go to it again. It was an experience that only needed to happen once. The kids enjoyed it for the most part though, and it really
is all about them, right?
Poor little one was just tuckered out. |