Saturday, March 20, 2010

What it really means to share

We have a bank set up for the kids in the bathroom.  They made these firehouse banks at Home Depot at one of the workshops.  It is great because it has a spot for them to Save, Spend and Share.  When they go potty, they get a certain number of pennies to put in their bank. 
This morning, I saw Sweet Pea take 2 pennies and put it in his bank and start to walk out.  It just seemed so automatic, so I questioned him about it.  "Sweet Pea, you know you have a spot to put pennies for spending, saving and sharing, right?" "Yes, Mommy", he said, walking away, trying to get back to his toys.  "Wait a second, Sweet Pea.  Why do you put your money in the Share bank each time?" I then, opened up the bank to show him the three sections and to show that the Share section was almost full while spending and saving had just a handful of pennies each.  "Well, Mommy." he said with a slightly crooked stance and his hand on his hip, "we're supposed to share our money with others and this way I can give it to God." Satisfied with his own answer, he walked away as I stood there so proud of my little boy.
No, we didn't have a deep, spiritual conversation about God and the meaning of sharing and giving God your money, but the fact is... for this 4 year old boy, he gets it. He understands the importance in His world.  He accepts it and wants to be a part of the bigger picture.  Awesome!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!! He is soooo smart and I love their banks!! I love the ideas you use when parenting!!! Keep this blog forever!! I am going to need to look back on it when I have kids!!

