Saturday, October 16, 2010

Corn Maze!

Backlog of posts coming up....  Backlog #1 = Mid-October!

We drove up to a semi-local corn maze, but the parking lot was almost full and the line to get in was at least 20 minutes long.  Even though it is a fun place, it just wasn't worth waiting in line for.  So, we drove the 45 minutes back home and to a corn maze and fun place just down the road. Next year, we'll know better!!

The kids had fun going through the maze and choosing which way to go.  I loved watching Sweet Pea go through the mental deductions of which way to go next.

Sweet Pea: I can choose now?
Me: Yep!  Whichever way you want to go!
SP: Well, if we go to the left, it could be a dead end and then we would be stuck and have to turn around.  BUT, if we go to the right, that could also be a dead end. But then again it might not be.  We keep going to the top of the maze (I showed them a picture of the maze before we went through), so maybe we should keep going that way, but it would also be away from the end. Mommy? I think we should go to the right.

Great choice, and to the right we went!  Sweet Pea showed such intelligence and analytical thinking, it was amazing to listen to him and watch him come to his own conclusions and for him to be happy with it, no matter the outcome!

At the end of the maze, I twisted my ankle, so the kids played in the big sand pit and picked out pumpkins and then we went home. Next time, I'll watch out for the pot holes and we'll do all the "other" stuff first before the maze!

All in all they had fun though!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Living Without

There is a magazine called Living Without.  It is a magazine dedicated to those with food sensitivities and allergies.  Perfect for someone like me who is trying to live a more Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free life.

Even though I've mentioned the magazine, which I think is great... the name of the magazine is what caught my eye this morning.  Living Without. What does that really mean?  I found the tab open for the magazine, amongst my other 43 tabs and thought to myself that I really hold on to so much.

* I hold onto so many tabs on my browser, because I haven't had the time to look at them yet and if I bookmark them, maybe I will never come back to it.
* I hold onto magazines because there are so great articles, I don't want to forget about.
* I hold onto items that are filling up our garage, because we may need them someday. (no I am not a hoarder!) Realistic items!
* I hold onto clothes that no longer fit, but since I have been trying to get more healthy, the budget-wise person in me doesn't want to go through the process of buying a new wardrobe. The woman in me does, though! :)
* I even hold onto friendships that their season is dying out, but I'm holding on in hopes that it wont.  God gives us friendships.  They need to be nurtured and cared for. If one or both parties lets the ball drop, the season of that friendship starts to die out.  Sometimes you just need a break as you both are in the process of learning about yourself and then you eventually find your way back together, but sometimes not.  I have many such friendships that come back and some that haven't.  It is hard to feel like I am not a failure because those friends are no longer an integral part of my life.  But really, I know that God has something amazing in store for me, so I just count my blessings for the time I had with that person and learn to move on.  Holding on to that hope can eat at you!
* I hold onto the hope that someday I will be the woman God wants me to be, instead of being the woman He made me for right now. Still, working towards that other woman, but being content now is the key.
* I hold onto past hurts and angst, which need to be let go of as they do nothing but hinder me in my walk now.
* I sometimes hold onto my children too tightly.  They need to be free to explore and learn and grow, but this mommy wants just a few more snuggles or a few more years of this cute stage before they go off into the real world - like Kindergarten next year for Sweet Pea! Yikes!
* I hold onto the resources that we have. So many children and people out there need to be fed and clothed and yet I worry if my children are going to get "enough" at Christmas or have "the best" birthday party.  The woman in the blog doesn't think of herself, she thinks of those around her. What if I just let go of the idea that everything has to be perfect? Let go of my desire to fit into the right scenes or social circles and really focus on what is truly important?!

There are so many other things and ideas I hold onto, but need to let go of.  It's just scary to think what is around the next bend. I am reminded constantly of the scene in Finding Nemo when Dory and Marlin are inside the whale's stomach... 
Dory: He says, "It's time to let go!". Everything's going to be all right.
Marlin: How do you know, how do you know something bad isn't gonna happen?!
Dory: I don't!
I don't know what is going to happen next, but I have to trust God that He is in charge, not me! And He will lead me in the right way, even if I have to "let go" and be vulnerable. The next time you see me "holding on", feel free to gently remind me to let go. And if I'm not listening? You have my permission to smack me upside the head.

Here is to a new season! A new season of garage sales, friendships, an eventual new season of new clothes *yay*, a new season of letting my children explore more, a season of godly growth, of listening, obeying and carrying out His plans instead of holding them all to myself.  A new season of giving more. More time, more resources, more wisdom and letting go of the fears that holds me back.  Letting go of the stacks of papers and magazines that clutter up my home and my thoughts. I can Live Without so much if I just set my eyes and heart in the right places and focus on the important things. It is time to be real and focus on the important things that are laid ahead of me, not the ones I place in my path.

Proverbs 21: 2, 20-21 KJV
2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts.
20 There is treasure to be desired and oil in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish man spendeth it up.
21 He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Some days there seems to be nothing sweeter than my sleeping babies.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Happy? Nope!

It is amazing how quickly moods can change.  I mean, our kids can be completely joyful and happy one moment...
 ...and then bursting into tears the next!

Oh how hard it can be to be a kid, sometimes!  She's still as cute as can be, even with a scrunchy sad face!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Sweet Pea's surgery

This is more informational for me, about his surgery and part of our experience.  Although, there are some cute pics through, so you can just scroll through to those!

When Sweet Pea was born, he had a small hole in where his belly button didn't close up all the way after the cord was cut.  So... we've waited and waited for him to be closer to age 5 (recommended age for the surgery as it can separate again if you do it too early) so he could have surgery for his umbilical hernia.  Yesterday, was the day.  For several weeks, we've been talking to him about the surgery and watching him grow in excitement that his belly button was finally getting fixed.  Monkey got her heart fixed, now Sweet Pea gets his belly button fixed.  He felt special.

Even yesterday morning at oh dark early in the morning (4:30), we woke up and shortly after he was awake as we went in to get him, saying, "Hi Daddy!" in a most cheerful voice.  Wow!  His excitement started to wear a little out as once we checked in, the idea of it all started looming on him.  He knew a friend had hers done earlier in the summer, but that knowledge didn't seem to help.

We finally got called back and he had to change out of his PJs and into the hospital PJs. He did NOT want to do that, but finally agreed.  He looked so cute in them!

Many doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists and every other person in the hospital, it seemed, came in to talk to him and us and check things out.  Sweet Pea's nerves started to get a little more and a little more noticeable.  He was still is pretty good spirits though.  After decided on a Strawberry flavored mask, a countdown story about space and wanting to go really fast on the bed, down the hall, he was off.

Thirty minutes later, he was done!  Coming out of the anesthesia was not so easy. As to be expected by many kids, he was confused, disoriented, irritable. You name it!  First, they asked if he wanted something, so he got some apple juice and drank that. Then, they were going to give him a popsicle and he asked for grape. Nope! Sorry! Only orange.  That was not the right answer!  He ended up eating it, but not very happily. Also, I had to turn my head and laugh when it took eons for us to get a shirt on him to leave.  He would not wear his long sleeve, he would not wear the robot (I brought the wrong robot one), he would not wear Buzz, he would not wear a sheet, he would not wear a blanket... I'm beginning to feel like Dr. Seuss in Green Eggs and Ham (I would not, could not eat in a car, in a boat, on a train, with a fox, etc).  Finally?  The Hubster carried all of our stuff, and I carried him all the way out to the car, in my arms... shirtless.  I'm sure we were a sight!  Him, off and on crying.  Me huffing and puffing carrying the dead weight of my 40 lb, child (which seems silly since in Crossfit, I've lifted more than three times that!), and the Hubster with all the bags.

Sweet Pea was really disturbed about the orange soap they used on his belly.  It would not come off, and he would look at it and just burst into tears. Now? He won't let me even try to get it off.  Tomorrow though. Tomorrow, it is getting washed off!

He's doing a lot better now and is relaxing, not running around yet (mean mommy won't let him yet), but wants to walk around a bit and is getting his fun personality and creative side back.

Not to be outdone by her brother... Monkey decided she liked pink better.

Aye Aye Aye!