Wednesday, February 17, 2010

His Own Thinker

This morning, like most mornings, I made the kids their smoothie shake for the first part of breakfast. If nothing else, I know they will have some protein, dairy and fruit (and sometimes some hidden spinach... heh heh heh) in them to get started for the day.

Today, I left them on their little Spiderman couch to watch a show while drinking their smoothie and I could have a few moments to get dressed in peace.

Same thing to drink, same show to watch, same routine.

And then... I heard water running. What?? I knew that The Hubster wasn't home, so where was the water coming from? Do we have a leak somewhere? Investigating, I went into the kitchen to find Sweet Pea, standing on his little chair, turning the water off of the sink and drying his hands. After he was done with his smoothie drink, he washed out his cup and everything!

Memories flooded back to when I was just a little younger than him and I went into my parent's bedroom, held out my fingers and said, "mommy, ouch!", for I had burned my fingers on our gas stove, making eggs that morning. While they were still in bed, I was up running around making my own breakfast! Needless to say, that was when they started to take the knobs off of the stove.Now, I am not one of those moms who has to control everything their children do (although yes, I do still hold control in some areas I know I need to let go in), but Sweet Pea has usually been good about asking me first before doing anything in the kitchen. Now? It's time to watch out! We've got a "thinker" and a "do-er" on our hands! Excited, yet scared to see what he will do next!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Busy Mother's Prayer

Lord, help me to spend more time with my children when we are home all together. Sometimes the chores and all the other countless things I want to get done, can wait. My children are home, they are present, and they are with me! Remind me that these years are precious and few...


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Get me out of here!!!

While I have been able to get out of the house (mostly to my CrossFit classes), the kids have not ventured further than our driveway since they got home from school on Monday. Yes, I know all you Marylanders have had your fill of snow and being snowed in. But here? It's just cold. Plain and simple. I don't like to be cold. I choose not to go outside when it is so cold it cuts to your bones.

That said. My kids, on the other hand, have been cooped up and are ready to get out of the house. My solution? The play area at the FMC. The kids were all over the idea... an hour ago!! As I've been trying to get them out of the house, what do they do? "Oh, look! Something shiny!" We are never going to leave.

So... if you are headed to the FMC... have fun! You probably won't see me there! I've been deemed Mrs. Bot and am supposed to hide in the closet.

(Zachariah wanted to try on my swim cap)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

I am! Oh my goodness, I am so afraid of the Big Bad Wolf! That is, until I realized I can conquer him! My brick wall has gone up!

Disclaimer: This will be a long post. Mostly for me to chronicle my past and present to my future. So, if you want the meat of the post, go down to the bottom and read THE PLAN. Otherwise, enjoy!

Last Monday, we had a fantastic speaker at our MOPS group. Lindsey came and talked to us about her program she leads in the Family Ministry Center (FMC) at our church. Wow! Can I just say it was phenomenal! Perfect timing and exactly what I needed to hear! Lindsey is a trainer and nutritionist. She has learned so much and is willing to spend time with others and share it with us. I am so grateful for her heart to share what she loves AND to do it in a loving manner.

If anyone knows me, they know that I could stand to lose "a few" pounds and get back to my happier, healthier stealth 137 lb body. Yes, it is going to take some time, but at least I am finally there.

So, who is the Big Bad Wolf? In this case, there are several wolves. 1) Food. Oh, sweet, delicious food! 2) Exercise 3) Time & Energy 4) Money.

1) Food: I love food. I love it when I am happy, I love it when I am sad, I love to rejoice with it and to help others by bringing it to them or celebrating something over food. I love food. I love to cook and I love to bake. Oh boy, have I been in trouble! Recently, I have learned quite a bit about myself and my relationship with food. Yep! I am an emotional eater. Did you ever have a clue? Anyway, I have known this, but recently, I have started replacing my emotional neediness on food, with journaling, doing a few jumping jacks or picking up a glass of water. Small changes, right?

It really all started in December, when 2 weeks before Christmas, The Hubster and I tore through the house and threw out most of our processed food, sugary snacks, salty snacks and anything that we would turn to for a snack or treat. It was hard at first. I started putting some mini-chocolate chips in my yogurt, just to give me that "taste" of sugar. Now? Not really craving it! We don't have it in the house and it is going to stay that way! I let myself cheat a little bit at the MOPS meeting though. I mean, really... who can resist all that yummy food???

2) Exercise: I love to exercise. Once I start doing it. I feel good, I'm happier, I feel better about myself and even my outlook on life in general. When I don't do it, of course I feel more sluggish and well just blah... The Hubster and I tried the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred. We've done it before, but this go-around seemed incredibly difficult. I couldn't believe how out of shape I was. I mean, me. I used to play full games of soccer (with a few puffs of my inhaler), swim, run around everywhere. And here I was finishing, but not satisfactorily the short Level 1 exercises. And here I thought I could make it on the Biggest Loser. You know what I'm talking about, we all think we can do it better than they can! Since I am not on the show, I knew something had to change.

3) Time & Energy: The Hubster leaves for work by 7 and depending on the night, gets home at 5 or 7 or 8 that night. Doesn't leave a whole lot of time for me to hit the gym and since my kids are both fighting taking naps, I don't have that hour or two to myself to get a good video or workout in, so I just don't. And since I don't make the time to workout, I don't have any energy and get frustrated when I do try and fail. Horrible excuses, but that is exactly what they are. Excuses. No more!

4) Money: Fortunately, our FMC has a yearly fee of only $50. So, for the full use of the gym and even the huge play area for the kids, I can (if I find the time) get a great workout in, utilize the trainers and have a safe place for my kids to play. Unfortunately, there isn't childcare, so finding that proves to be difficult.

Finally! I am down to the plan! After many discussions and going back and forth with our budget, we have carved out some extra funds for me to join the amazing CrossFit classes that Lindsey facilitates. We also decided that I could join the 6am class on M/W and The Hubster would just go in to work a little later those days. Thanks Hubby!

This morning, I went to one of the workouts to see really what it was all about and boy was I in for a big surprise! First surprise? I was able to jog around the track 3 times with a partner, while talking and not needing my inhaler (I have exercise induced asthma, fun huh?). Then, we were shown a few things and started putting weights on and doing some lifts. I think I have done some weight-lifting classes in high school, but nothing real, since then. It felt so good to do it! One of the sets were to do sumo-lifts and really squat down. I HATE SQUATS!!! After learning a few more things, cooling down, stretching, etc. The class was over. Short and sweet! And then... I could barely make it down the stairs! Oh my were my quads and legs like jelly. The rest of the day was spent "running" after my kids and squealing with pain in most of the steps! Good pain though. Definitely a good pain. I did something with my body this morning and It. Felt. Good.

But what about the plan? Tonight I joined several other ladies I know for the Intro classes to Crossfit. We learned how to do some of the moves, which unfortunately for me included squats. Let me just tell you that getting up and sitting down are going to be difficult the next few days! We will have the Intros for M/W for the next two weeks. Learning about the exercises and how to do them correctly so when it comes time for the workout, we are all set and can jump right in, or in my case, hobble a little bit!

The Hubster and the kids also joined me afterwards for the the Nutrition Seminar. Loved it! Taught me more about different foods, what they do to or for our body and how to take care of ourselves.

So, at the end of the night, I stood in sheer horror as I took off my top layer and let little ol, fit and healthy Lindsey take a picture of me as the Before. The Never Again. The old me that has died and will be a part of my testimony. I am joining in on a Paleo challenge (eating the foods God has made, not man) for the next 6 weeks. Changing our diet and exercise routine, shedding the pounds, eating healthier, teaching the kids how to eat more healthy and feeling good about these decisions all along the way.

I have quite a long journey to get back to my high school 137 lb weight, but I know I can get there. No, I am not going to share with you the before pictures (I haven't even seen them), but I will tell you that this journey will be amazing and hard and everything I want it to be, as long as I put myself forward, get off my rear and change my life.

*Even if you don't want to join in this endeavor, please feel free to keep me accountable by asking if I've been Paleo that day or written in my food journal, written in my prayer journal, had a workout, etc. The best way to conquer something is with the people you love, with their support and our own courage and of course with God's gentle hand guiding the way. Won't you join me?