Saturday, March 20, 2010

Bang, Bang, Bang with my hammer!

Monkey loves coconut!  Shredded, yummy coconut!  We found this out through her trying to eat the coconut off of one of her winter art projects she made at school.  They brought in old coconut for the project and fresh, for the kids to taste. Monkey was apparently grabbing it by the handfuls!  So, when we went to the grocery store, we decided we would buy a coconut and let the kids learn how to open one, see what it looks like inside, hear all the coconut juice swishing around and then finally taste some fresh coconut.  Now, mind you, The Hubster is NOT a big fan of the stuff, at all! Sweet Pea follows in his footsteps, mostly. Me? LOVE IT!!
I looked up the best way to open it and since the kids were so eager, we skipped the "baking" step in the instructions.  For the future? I won't skip that step!  It would have made it all easier to get the coconut flesh out.  Either way though, the kids had so much fun smashing it with a hammer.  But, none of us really wanted to eat it in the end.  Even after trying to toast some a day or two later, just didn't work out.   I wish I had thought of taking a picture of it all broken open, but next time!  We'll try it again!
 So excited to start smashing away!!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!!  They had so much fun hammering at the coconut!  It was so hard that in the end, The Hubster broke it open, but we know the kids had fun regardless!

What it really means to share

We have a bank set up for the kids in the bathroom.  They made these firehouse banks at Home Depot at one of the workshops.  It is great because it has a spot for them to Save, Spend and Share.  When they go potty, they get a certain number of pennies to put in their bank. 
This morning, I saw Sweet Pea take 2 pennies and put it in his bank and start to walk out.  It just seemed so automatic, so I questioned him about it.  "Sweet Pea, you know you have a spot to put pennies for spending, saving and sharing, right?" "Yes, Mommy", he said, walking away, trying to get back to his toys.  "Wait a second, Sweet Pea.  Why do you put your money in the Share bank each time?" I then, opened up the bank to show him the three sections and to show that the Share section was almost full while spending and saving had just a handful of pennies each.  "Well, Mommy." he said with a slightly crooked stance and his hand on his hip, "we're supposed to share our money with others and this way I can give it to God." Satisfied with his own answer, he walked away as I stood there so proud of my little boy.
No, we didn't have a deep, spiritual conversation about God and the meaning of sharing and giving God your money, but the fact is... for this 4 year old boy, he gets it. He understands the importance in His world.  He accepts it and wants to be a part of the bigger picture.  Awesome!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Charlie Chaplin

Monkey still likes to play with her food.  She was making all sorts of gestures and wouldn't talk as she had spinach on her lip, during dinner.  The Hubster and I immediately thought she looked and acted like Charlie Chaplin!
The Goof!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I always love watching the kids play together.  They love to play "sleeping".  Don't ask me why!  Sometimes when we are trying to get the munchkins out of the car, they pretend to snooze, I guess just to keep life interesting!  We ususally play along, they are just so much fun!  Anyway, here they are trying to sleep, yet I couldn't get both of them to either be asleep at the same time or look at the camera at the same time.  As usual... stinkers!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


I think I am more excited than Sweet Pea, but today, was his first soccer practice!  He was so cute with his little shinguards and cleats on, kicking his ball around!  When we first arrived, kept yelling, "Coach! Coach! I'm here!" as we were getting out of the car.  Monkey also wanted to join in the fun, so she and Sweet Pea picked up some new hats...  Aren't they cute?

Sweet Pea's team consists of about 6 kids ranging in ages of 4-6.  I hope when they play games against other teams, the 6 year olds don't bulldoze my kid!  He may be big for a 4 year old, but he's tiny compared to some of the other kids!

The weather was absolutely beautiful and perfect for soccer practice!  I can't wait for more practices and the games!  

Go Sweet Pea!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Some Daddy Time

Today, it was another beautiful day, so instead of playing at the FMC (indoor playground area), we made our way to Charlie Daniels Park and met daddy there for lunch.  The kids had a blast seeing daddy in the middle of the day (I can't lie, I liked seeing my Hubster in the middle of the day too!) and eating lunch with him.
She was so proud of herself and kept going over it again and again, just to show me she could balance.  "See, mommy? Watch me, mommy!"

Finally!! Some SUN!!

Yesterday marked a very important day in our household.  Mommy (that's me) was not afraid to take the kids out to play.  *Gasp* I know!  I am not a big fan of the cold weather and my poor children have to suffer because I would rather not be out in it if I didn't have to be.  It could be 2 degrees out and they would want to run around.  Not me!  I'd prefer a nice breezy 78 degree day.  And no, that would not include humidity.  Poor kids, summer is around the corner and back inside I will want to go!  Someone... help me!!!

Anyway, since yesterday wasn't too bad, I put some sweatshirts on the kids and we bounded down the two steps out to the backyard.  We dug holes, kicked the balls around, played tag, found a worm,and just had a good time.  Here are some of the pictures of our activities...

What a fun day!