Friday, December 31, 2010

Little girl, not so little anymore!

My little Monkey seems to be growing up before my eyes! A few weeks ago, she attended her first mock slumber party. Her first birthday party without her brother and her first party with just girls.  Seeing her sitting there eating her popcorn and watching the movie, I fast forwarded to her being 13 and being at a party without me.  Wow! How fast time flew in my thoughts!  She's still my baby though!

Seriously, is this girl just 3???
3 going on 13

My little Pirate

Love this kid!

Put a little love in it

Since I started Crossfit, last February, I have found a "get up and move" song.  Lindsey had it on her play list and every time I heard it during a class, it made me want to move. Move harder, sweat more, and know that I worked for it.  The song is "Love Addict" by Family Force 5.  Seriously, you just want to move with the song.

Well, I decided to buy the song on itunes and when it is time to seriously clean or even just have fun, we put it on and go to town! My kids love it!!  What they love the most is the few moments of robot type music (around 1:38).  They love to pretend they are robots and it just fit the bill. Reminds me of the street performers downtown San Francisco.

Here's my little happy robots....  and seriously, go find the song, listen and enjoy!!

PS. Speaking of San Francisco.  Watch out for the Bushman.  He really exists and he freaked my mom and I out one day when we went downtown. We were wondering why people were gathered across the street and what they were looking at. Ha! Waiting for him to strike again! At us!  Of course we had to watch after our scare!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Pictures!!

Have I told you recently how much I love receiving Christmas Cards?  Not just the cards, but a personal message in them?  And really, I love getting Christmas Cards with a picture in it, with the kids and the parents and the dogs and even the dust mites!

I have found a fantastic resource to print such Christmas Card Photos in Shutterfly!  Not only can I print the Cards, but Shutterfly will address, stamp and mail the cards for you!  There are so many beautiful, fun backgrounds that boast the holiday spirit, it is hard to choose just one!

Another thing I love about Shutterfly is the storage capabilities.  I have a problem... I love taking pictures!  I'm always afraid that I will lose my favorite pictures due to a computer crash, but Shutterfly handles the storage for you!

You are not just bound to storage or Christmas Cards.  With Shutterfly, you can share your albums with family and friends, you can make photo calendars for yourself or family members, can make photo gifts like mouse pads, mugs and shirts.

And the best part to all of this?  The low cost! I know that I am getting quality photos made, but at a fraction of the cost somewhere else!  The sign-on promotions are also amazing!  You can receive 50 free 4x6 photos, just for signing up right now.  But why stop there? Why not actually use the site and share those photos with family and friends who don't live near you?

I can't wait to choose my pictures for this year's Christmas Card.  Yes, I may be running a little behind, but knowing that I will have some great pictures coming my way, it's worth it!  I may just choose some Christmas Cards to hold my photos this year!

Oh! And if you want to make sure you are on the list for receiving a fabulous Christmas Photo Card this year, make sure you let me know in the comments and that I have your current address!  Can't wait to show off which one we choose! :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

First Snow Day!!

Well, we had just about 1-2 inches of snow fall over the weekend.  Here? Schools close.  Which means, no school no MOPS, but LOTS OF FUN!!!  In Minnesota where my brother lives, they got 23 inches. I'm sure their kids went to school.

The kids and I have already tackled some crafts, played board games, built forts with the couch cushions and gone outside in the 3 degree weather. Okay, it was really 17 degrees, but with the windchill, they said it was 3. Same thing.

The kids loved making snow angels, something Monkey has been wanting to do for weeks!  She talks about when we go to FL, she wants to make sand angels. Not sure where the fascination came from, but she's enjoying it!  She even tried to make rug angels, but it doesn't really work out! :)

So glad I took them out for a bit in the snow! They would have been so upset if it had melted away before they got the chance.  Doubt it will happen soon as it is supposed to be a low of 9 tonight, but I still loved seeing their happy faces!  Even happier when they came back inside and drank their hot chocolate and relished in their fun times outside!
Not liking the layering effect. I think it's kinda cute!
So ready to go out!  When did this kid get so old and handsome?
My fun and adorable munchkin!!
I told them before we left the house that there would be photo ops and they must obey and smile for them.
So glad they were listening!! :)
Ready to make snow angels!

So excited!!!


And add-in the customary snot running down the nose shot.  I had a pocketful of tissue to ward off such pictures (yes, I am a little OCD), but alas I missed one.  Guess I can't be perfect!