Monday, July 12, 2010

Sumos and Ninjas and Party Hats, Oh my!!

I really do have some creative kids who love to just sit and make things up. I am so blessed by their thoughtfulness, creativity and desire to explore their imagination and the world beyond them!

And then... 

they are sumo wrestlers 

and ninjas...

and put on "party hats".  Ha ha!
What am I going to do with these ankle biters??
(They are so going to kill me when they are older, for this!)

Some peaceful creativity

I needed a few minutes to get some stuff done, so I broke out the paints and posters I bought from the Dollar Tree... instant peacefulness!  The little cherubs painted, shared colors, were creative and enjoyed themselves for almost an hour!  I really should do this more often!
I love how into their creations they are! Definitely some concentration involved here!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Happy Birthday America!!

We had a pretty relaxing Fourth of July holiday weekend.  While we accomplished a little bit around the house, we mostly just enjoyed each other's company.  I was still pretty sick, so we didn't go to any of the celebrations around town, but I mustered up enough strength to go to one of our local fireworks shows on Saturday night.  The kids enjoyed running around and seeing all of the big fireworks.  It was a very late night, but all in all, it was fun!

Happy Birthday America!!!