Thursday, March 31, 2011

Love HER!!!

Every time I see her little face, it just reminds me how blessed I am to have her here with me.  What a joy to be able to call her my daughter and what a job I have been given to raise her with grace, internal beauty and a love for God and his people.  Not an easy task, but she makes it so worth it!  I am privileged to call her my daughter.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kinda makes you want to go... hmmm.....

Sometimes I wonder about my kids.  They are so creative and fun-loving, what is really going through their brains? Sweet Pea is the instigator.  He will come up with ideas and plans and get Monkey to follow through on them.  Yes, he gets in trouble too, if she does something he told her to do.  It is a never ending battle with those two!  I understand that Monkey loves dogs (stuffed, not real) and oftentimes will pretend to be one, but this is the first time she actually ate like one!  Not sure who came up with this "game", but I had to take a few pics before telling them that their food should be on the table, not the floor.  Oh and that they were humans.  Crazy kids!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tiny Tim

I had a little Turtle,
His name was Tiny Tim.
I put him in the bathtub, to see if he could swim.
He drank up all the water.
He ate up all the soap.
And when he woke up in the morning, he had bubbles in his throat.

He said, "Bubble, bubble, bubble. Bubble, bubble, bubble. Bubble, bubble, bubble.  Bubble, bubble... POP!"

I hosted a craft day during Spring Break.  It was a beautiful day, so we were able to do some crafting, playing and eating inside and then playing outside.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Toys!

The family and their new toys!  The kids got a bigger bubble maker and The Hubster got an electric chainsaw!  Time to clean up the yard and have some fun!

Monday, March 7, 2011


So excited because they lined up their construction toys!

Little Mommy

Monkey loves her babies.  She loves playing with them, pretending to be their mommy and ever since I bought her a care kit, she loves changing their diapers, feeding them "food" and a bottle. I love watching her connect and be a little mommy to her own babies. The love she has for these stuffed animals and the way she takes care of them warms my heart. I look forward to the day (25+ years from now!!) when she has her own babies and loves them to bits like I love her.

Putting a diaper on her baby
Yes, the perfectionist in me had to move the hair out of her face!  But no, I didn't wash the strawberries off.
Admiring her baby
Loving her little one